New Century Schools System


At a time when every school within the sector says that they are the best, it is right and advisable for parents and prospective parents to seek always, answers to questions they may have, especially in relation to the quality of education that we offer students and their children. Consequently, we get to answer frequently the following salient questions from prospective parents who would like to make an informed decision on the education of their children before engaging in any partnership with us:

It is applicable only at the nursery and primary school levels where for each class we have two teachers (one from the French subsystem and another from the English subsystem). Both teachers teach the programs simultaneously and when the children gain admission into their final year in preparation for the First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC), the children choose either to take the FSLC or the CEP (the French equivalent of FSLC). It is what the pupil chooses that determines whether he/she shall continue with the English or the French subsystem of education in high school.
At the primary school level, our pupil intake is thirty-five per class, while at the secondary and high school level, our student intake per class is forty.
We evaluate them monthly, based on lessons covered in class. We equally evaluate our pupils through group work, assignments and research work. In addition, we write an end-of-term evaluation report on them.
Yes and a thunderous and sounding yes, judging from the systems earlier explained and the feedback from students and parents both at home and abroad.
There is a guarantee on the staff we hire, considering the fact that competence is the guiding principle of our staff recruitment process. In addition, we carryout regular background checks on any prospective teaching staff their level of morality, cooperation, team spirit, open mindedness just to name a few. We provide in-service and refresher trainings to our staff every year to meet the new teaching challenges and methods.
In some instances, we have invited parents or guests to visit our computer/science laboratories to confirm for themselves that what we say always matches with what they find. However, visiting the laboratories, at times may not be feasible when activities have already earmarked the said facilities. For example, about a week before the GCE examinations, the laboratories are no longer within the control of our school, but that of the GCE board. In the given circumstances, we may not be in the position to satisfy any request from parents to visit our facilities.
We always try as much as possible to dedicate our energy more on counselling and orientating students in this domain. We dedicate more time educating students about the schools’ rules and regulations to avoid any form of embarrassment. However, we do not completely console ourselves with the fact that such deviant behaviours may never crop up, so we plan and carry out impromptu checks, invite experts and sometimes law enforcement officers to talk to the students on the legal implications and consequences of such deviant attitudes. In all, we have a disciplinary council that brings to book such cases for a fair trial in line with Ministerial provisions governing crimes and punishments within the school environment. Parents whose children have experimented the programs and systems in force at New Century Schools System usually have little or no questions to ask, beyond questions relating to their children’s educational welfare. Though finding them hard to answer because someone had said “getting someone say you are good is public relations while saying you are good is publicity”, notwithstanding, we try as much as we can to give accurate and satisfactory answers whenever such questions occur.