New Century Schools System







When one of the three key stakeholders fails in assuring the minimum required level of commitment, the mix of synergies gets thrown off balance and the expected excellent results are not attained.

Educational Project of New Century Schools System (NCSS)

Our Motto (Work – Discipline – Quality)

We established New Century Schools System to educate and groom a new generation of young Cameroonians who will uplift barriers and misunderstandings arising from cultural differences and instil in them, discipline and a spirit of hard work, so that they become quality young men and women in their communities.

The polite, kind and conscientious administration and staff, work continuously hard to achieve this goal and uphold our beliefs in Work, Discipline and Quality, as encapsulated by our motto.

Our Executive Bureau will continue to provide the best working conditions and services to our learners and members of staff through the following:

– The provision of befitting, clean, well ventilated and an absolutely stunning infrastructure;
– The provision of an appreciable quantity of didactic material;
– Continuous in-service training for NCSS staff.

These measures have been very instrumental in securing high standard quality results for our learners at the First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC), GCE Ordinary Level and GCE Advanced Level Examinations.

In addition, our administration continues to maintain good working relationship with constituted authorities, our neighbours and the community at large. 

We are delighted that our Founder/CEO has provided us with what it takes to groom young minds to replicate aptly in future generations the holistic form of education they receive from New Century Schools System.


The New Century Schools System (NCSS) has as main mission to render admitted young boys and girls of all nationalities effectively bilingual, by providing them with excellent primary and secondary general education, which enable them to pursue higher studies and integrate successfully into the society without any language barrier.


To Promote holistic education that enhances intellectual, physical, moral, social and emotional development in a new generation of young boys and girls who will uplift barriers and misunderstandings arising from cultural differences, by instilling in them, discipline and a spirit of hard work, so that they become quality young men and women in their communities.


1-Sustain and hire an experienced, qualified, competent and efficient pedagogic/ administrative team and provide them with well-equipped offices and staff room.

2- Offer job opportunities to talented young Cameroonians who love children and have the vocation to educate and transmit knowledge.

3- Admit young boys and girls with a record of good academic performance, and high moral character, who have passed our written admission test.

4- Create a general conducive environment for teaching and learning through our clean, spacious, well-lit and ventilated classrooms.

5- Develop scientific and computational thinking of students, as well as their love for mathematics and technology, facilitated by our specialised science laboratories and the broadband Internet access facilities of our multimedia centers.

6- Continue developing a reading culture in our pupils/students through our spacious and well-equipped school libraries, as well as our language laboratories.

7- Build up self-confidence in pupils/students and arouse their awareness in the management of resources, particularly time.

8- Check juvenile delinquency, by inculcating in pupils/students the sense of discipline, the spirit of hard work, the culture of excellent performance and citizenship training. 

9- Make pupils/students useful to themselves in particular and to their communities as a whole, by enhancing in them, excellent academic performances.


1- Use an integrated, harmonised and enriched curriculum for complementary training.

2- Making research obligatory through a project-based approach, individually or in groups.

3- Efficient learning methodology.

4- Efficient and effective continuous assessment scheme and examination policy.

5- Individualised counseling of students in the cognitive and affective domains.

6- Guidance and close follow up of staff for effective work by pedagogic inspectors.

7- Afternoon prep, which prepares teachers for their subsequent classes.

8- Co-curricular club activities.

9- Individual and team sports.

10- Educative and recreative excursions.