New Century Schools System


The New Century Schools are structured into three different sections, namely:

– Pre-nursery and nursery school section
– Primary school section
– Secondary and high school section

These school structures admit both boys and girls from all nationalities at the age of two for the pre-nursery school, with the age bracket of 3 to 4 years for the nursery school, from the age of 5 years for the Primary school and from the age of 11 for the secondary school. 

We instil in our pupils and students, robust moral values that groom them to become the people the society needs and those it tolerates. We equally teach our students on how to cope with the challenges of converting obstacles into stepping stones, thereby transforming them from coal to gold. This has been successful and rendered possible, thanks to the team spirit and fruitful cooperation that exist amongst the administration, teachers, parents and the state. 

Our nursery school section admits female and male children of all nationalities, from the very tender age of two for the pre-nursery and from three-to-four for the nursery school.
We run a completely inclusive system of education in our nursery schools, initiating children into the world of education by identifying and sharpening their skills. 
This program runs for three years, after which pupils gain admission into our primary schools section. 
Apart from the state’s official programs, we have specially designed programs, which focus more on inculcating values into our pupils such as honesty, discipline, mutual respect, developing personal talents and building self-confidence. 
Upon leaving the nursery school section, graduates are awarded a diploma that permits them to gain admission into the primary school section.
This system is operational in both NCBS and NC.II.BS.
Our primary schools run an integral bilingual program wherein two teachers from both our national French and English subsystems of education teach the same class. 
When the pupils get to the final year in primary school (i.e. class six), they either graduate with a First School Leaving Certificate (FSLC) or a Certificat d’Étude Primaire (CEP). 
Depending on the certificate with which the pupils graduate from primary school, they would have to further their secondary school education either in the French subsystem of education or the English subsystem of education. 
At our primary schools, we groom our pupils to become exceptional citizens by building on the values that we sowed in them from the nursery school. 
In addition, we emphasize on dynamism, community participation and team spirit. We can confidently attest to the fact that wherever our pupils find themselves, these values are evidently telling in their actions.
For the time being, we run a secondary and high school that is purely Anglo-Saxon and strictly follows the syllabus prescribed by the Ministry of secondary education and the Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board (CGCE).
Our secondary school runs a 5-year education program that prepares our students to take and pass the Cameroon General Certificate of Education Examination at the Ordinary Level (GCE ‘’O’’ Level) in the fifth year to qualify for admission into our high school section. 
Our secondary school program is structured as follows: 
– Junior secondary (Form 1 & 2);
– Intermediate (Form 3);
– Senior secondary (Form 4 & 5).
Our high school operates both the arts and sciences fields of studies, which give students the opportunity to choose their subjects according to what they hope or aspire to become in the future. 
At the end of the two-year course program, our students take the Cameroon General Certificate of Education Examination at the Advanced Level (GCE ‘’A’’ Level), which is the prerequisite for admission into the university.
It is worth noting that, as a prerequisite for admission into our high school section, a student must pass at least five subjects in the GCE ‘’O’’ Level examination with a clear combination.

Our high-school program is structured as follows: 
– Lower Sixth;
– Upper Sixth.