New Century Schools System

One of our strengths lies in the quality of staff we hire. In addition to complying with Ministerial prescriptions governing the recruitment of teachers, we hire teaching staff with the following credentials:

  • At least the Teacher’s Grade One Certificate that confers to its holders, eligibility to teach in the primary school;

  • A Diploma from a state accredited Higher Teachers’ Training School or at least a Bachelor’s degree in the related field of teaching;

  • A backing document or related documents for auxiliary and technical staff only.
  • Nevertheless, we do not just rely on this to have the quality of staff we always strive to have, but rely on the following additional requirements:

    a) Work experience: Two-year teaching experience to be eligible for recruitment into the teaching staff corps for both the primary and secondary levels. However, the higher the number of years in the teaching profession, the greater the chances of recruitment.

    b) Background check: We do a background check to trace the moral integrity and criminal records of the prospective teaching staff. We keep monitoring the moral and ethical traits of any staff we hire to ensure that they are in line with the findings of our prior checks.

    In summary, we put our teaching staff applicants through a rigorous selection/interview test, conducted by a group of accredited pedagogues before eventually hiring them. We advertise job openings usually in the month of June through NCSS’ different communication gadgets. We have within our corps of teaching staff both permanent as well as part-time staff. We sign on our part-time staff on a work contract of nine months, whereas for our permanent teaching staff, we sign them on a work contract of twelve renewable months.
